Friday, December 09, 2005


Seems like it is going around. I don't know what it is.

1. A former co-worker of mine died on October 31st after a long battle with ovarian cancer. She was one of the most kind, gentle, generous people that I know.
2. Another former co-worker of mine, was on a treadmill two days ago, had a heart attack, and died. He was 50 years old, just had gotten married, and was building a house.
3. I got an e-mail from my ex-boyfriend, that I had lived with for two years, this morning that his cat (that was 17 years old) had died this week. It was kind of weird finding a message from him, since we have not spoken to each other since 1998. (In fact the last time I saw him, I crossed the street to avoid having to pass him going the other way.)

It just makes me sad. I know death is a part of life, but it still does not make it any easier.


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