Thursday, June 01, 2006

Meanwhile, back at the ranch...

Holy mother of pain.

My left calf is killing me. I think it hates me. Really.

I woke up this morning before my alarm. Which was quite a feat, since it was set for 4:10am. I wanted to go for a longer run this morning before my 7:30 meeting. My calf hurt a bit yesterday after my 5-mile run, but I thought I would stretch a bit and it would be fine.

Yeah. Not fine. I was planning on going 8 miles this morning, but it ended up being 5. With me stopping a number of times to stretch, and then more walking than I would have liked. Top it off with the rain that started 2 miles into my run. So, soaked, too early in the morning, and in pain. Quite the trifecta.

Funny enough, I had made a doctor's appointment for today to have him look at my right knee. I fell on it in February, and it still hurts to kneel on it, and I have this funny fluid-like swelling below the kneecap. It is a pre-patellar bursitis. It does not really interfere with much, but I wanted to know what was going on. He offered to give me a lidocane and hydrocortozone shot to reduce the swelling, but 2 1/2 weeks before my half marathon, it was not worth the risk of an adverse reaction, or the risk of an infection. I also had him look at my calf, and now I have a PT appointment for next week, to deal with the tightness. The doctor's note says that I'm a marathoner.... I just saw that.

The doctor called me a marathoner. Holy crap.

So next week, I guess they are supposed to do some sort of ultrasound therapy and stretching to loosen up my "siezed" muscle (my terminology). And they should look at the bursitis to see if there is some sort of non-invasive treatment that can be done.

I guess it's the NordicTrack for me for a bit, to keep up my endurance. Seems to me that did not aggravate the calf. Plus if I do it at home, I won't have far to go if I need to stop. I need to do it, because for gosh sakes, I'm a marathoner!


1 comment:

JessiferSeabs said...

A marathoner! That's awesome!

Hey, I think I'm going to go to the 9:30 meeting tomorrow, even though I already weighed in this week. I'd like to see Corky and I think tomorrow is her last meeting?