Monday, July 03, 2006

A funny thing happened on the way to the movie theater

So I got home Friday afternoon, and we were checking movie times, and decided we were going to try and make the 5:05 showing of "Devil". We were pushing it to make it there for that time, as Eric was trying to get ready, shower, etc. but we were in the parking lot at about 5:05. Walking quickly to the doors of the theater, and my cell phone starts ringing.

I look at the number that is showing up, and it's the main switchboard at our downtown office. I will admit, I saw that and swore profusely, then answered the phone. Yep. Weekend plans went down in a puff of smoke... the call was to tell me that we had had a derailment in western Minnesota, and I needed to get out there - first report I heard was 23 cars on the ground. One hazardous car of ethyl alcohol residue, but nothing leaking. But still...

So I didn't get to see my movie. I didn't get to go for a bike ride. I didn't get to meet my friend on Sunday morning to run around Calhoun (which I inadvertanly stood up, as I totally forgot about it until I got her message when I checked on Sunday evening). And I ate way too much, and too much crap trying to stay awake and alert with enough energy.

I didn't eat enough good food on Friday night, and was up until about 2am, and then I got about 5 hours of sleep, and was back at the site. My legs were feeling really fatigued, and I was not 100% mentally there... my classic signs of low blood sugar, so I ended up eating a couple of rice crispie treats. After the egg bacon and toast breakfast they were serving.

The scale this morning is clearly reflecting all of the crap that I ate this weekend. And the sad thing is when you start going in that direction, your body keeps wanting that much food, and even if you have eaten something, it says that it wants more. And more. And when you don't eat because you decide that you have had way too much, it calls you a bitch, and your stomach rumbles with the hungries.

I was released from the derailment site at about 11:30pm on Saturday, after being there at about 7:45am. I drove to my parent's house and crashed for the night. Sunday, I lazed around there, reading, talking with my parents, then I dozed off around noon - and slept until about 4pm. I guess I needed the sleep.

There's some holiday stuff going on tonight, and tomorrow, but since I lost my weekend, I don't think that Eric and I will be going anywhere. I have too much that needs to get done around the house. Since it really does not get done without me there. I came home to piles of clean laundry on the bed. And my clothes hamper missing - Eric had brought the clothes downstairs, but didn't bring the hamper back up. And I want to organize the office - move some furniture out, move other stuff in. And the bathroom needs a deep cleaning, and I need to do some stuff with the food from my farm share. And I REALLY want to go see that movie!

Eric has the day off, and is planning on loading up the motorcycle to bring it somewhere to be fixed. I have been bugging him to get that done since it conked out on me last August. I am looking forward to being able to ride a bit again this summer.

That being said, it's back at it. I probably could have taken the day off because of the time I put in this weekend, but I am planning on taking Friday off to prepare for our vacaiton. We are going to Canada fishing for a week, starting on July 8th.


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