Until I decded, screw it, it's a beautiful day, I would rather spend some time floating in my friend's pool, with a tasty beverage in my hand.
I will have to say, that we did get the sheets on the bed changed, and the bedroom picked up, and my stuff unpacked, and cooked up some of my farm share food before we left... and we were on the road somewhere around 12:30.
It was relaxing, and refreshing, and lovely. I'm glad I decided to do it. I even managed to swim some laps in the pool when everyone else was running around getting things ready for eating dinner. I am going to try and join Jess in her 1000 minutes of exercise in July. So here's my start:

Tonight, I should be able to get more stuff done around the house. I have a bunch of laundry to do before we leave on vacation. We will be going to the exotic locale of Minaki, Ontario. Eric will be doing lots of Muskie Fishing, and I will be relaxing with a book in hand, and I also plan to get a good start on studying for my certification exam. I will probably go out fishing a time or two, but I tend to get bored after not catching anything after an hour.
On another note, we did finally get to see The Devil Wears Prada, and I did enjoy it, although there were a couple of major differences in the book that they changed for the movie. But I don't think it took away from either. It was still fun and cute. Eric said he was not bored, so that was a good thing. I think the most amusing part of the movie was the older ladies sitting next to us though - they kept gasping when Miranda said cutting things about Andy's wardrobe, and when Nigel told Andy that a size 6 was the new 14... among other such remarks. I knew they were coming, and gosh, it's a movie about the fashion industry!
Food today has been okay. I didn't pack anything this morning, because I didn't know how long my morning meeting would run, but I did make some light popcorn for mid-morning, and had a frozen meal in the freezer here, so I guess that would be about 9 points so far today. Tonight, I am planning a salad with a pork chop (leftover) shredded on top. I need to get back at portion control, and exercise - the scale is not being nice again. And I know it's pretty much all my fault with the out of control eating. I need to stop feeding my face when I get disappointed or mad about something. And I need to quit eating when I am not hungry. Easier said than done.
I read an interesting article the other day that made me kind of sit back and think. Failing to run. It talks about one person's perspective on how he needed to fail to be able to get back into running. About how making your life more complex, just makes you ragged, and accomplishes pretty much nothing. Getting back to basics, and enjoying the simple things in life. I really feel like that some days, like all of the things in my life are ruling my life. I truly enjoy the volunteer activities I do, but sometimes I wonder why I spend all of the time that I do with them. If I don't get back to the basics of myself, I will no longer be able to do those things that I enjoy.
I don't remember exactly the last time I made Sunday dinner. I enjoy that. I have tons of fresh produce in my fridge that needs to be washed and cooked into something tasty. My bicycle has been neglected for too long. I bought a new bicycle helmet on Monday, and I need to go out and use it.
I'm looking forward to having a week off to refresh and recharge. I just need to get there.
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