Well, I did get back on Saturday, but yanno, there are things that need to get done after being on vacation for a week. The cats demanded a lot of attention, and followed us around for about a day and a half. Now they are back to being normal cats, if you can say that our cats are normal!
Let me say, I am sure glad that we got the new truck. Sitting waiting to go through customs in Fort Francis/International Falls without A/C on Saturday would have been completely miserable. It took us 2 hours to get through. At which time, we parked at the closest store and made use of the bathroom facilities!
It was a relaxing week of vacation. I fished. I hiked. I walked. I read. I watched movies on my laptop. I slept late. I swam in the lake. And of course, I ate too much junk food. There were some really great hiking trails fairly close to where we were staying (a half-hour walk) so I made use of the trails several times during the week. I startled and was startled by a very large deer, which of course I did not see until it started running away, because I was watching my footing. And here's the tally after the week:

That being said, there was a big one that got away... a fish I mean. I had a very large Muskie on my line that fought for a bit, then got off the hook before I could get it to the boat. Eric figured that it was over 50 inches. Yep. Big. And it got away, really...
One of the bad things was the sleeping arrangements. The cabin that we were in had all single beds. You can push two of them together, and they look like a king sized bed, but if you try and move over, you encounter the "crack" which you get paranoid that you are going to fall into, or get stuck, or it's just plain uncomfortable, since the beds are older and sag a bit in the middle. That, and it was kind of hot, and the cabin had no A/C. I guess I'm spoiled. At least we were not in a tent...
On another note - I went to stay at my parent's house last night - I had to be up that way for work this morning, and my sister is here from Oklahoma for a month (she tellecommutes, so can work anywhere, provided she has high-speed internet) with my two nieces. I thought we would have a nice visit last night, but guess what I ended up doing? Just let me say, it makes me glad that my stepchildren are grown, and that I don't have to deal with this sort of thing... So my sister was looking at my younger niece's hair, and was seeing nits. Yep. Lice. My older neice had had a run in with it about a week and a half ago, and evidently something got missed. So I spent about an hour going through her hair, getting everything I could find out. My sis had washed their hair with the pesticide shampoo, but evidently that stuff is only like 85% effective, and only on live ones. You still have to manually get all of the nits out. So the two nieces and my sister went to bed with mayonaise on their heads. (Evidently this suffocates the live ones) and my mom and sister spent a bunch of time vacuuming floors, couches, and pillows, and washing bedding last night. And I slept poorly because I had nightmares about lice.
Yep. Glad about the no kid thing, once again!
Anyway, I'm home. Back into the office tomorrow.
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