Wednesday, December 29, 2010

MIserable Me

I have bites up and down my arms.

And on my hands

And on my neck

And on my face.

New ones seem to be showing up each day... but I still can't see any "signs" that they are in the house.

I have been reading more information on the internet than I actully cared to about bedbugs, how to find them, what they are, what the bites look like, how to treat them, how to get rid of them.... you get the picture. I still have some hope that there are none in my house - even though I keep finding new bites. Because, some of the infomration I have read says that it might take up to 14 days for bites to show up.

That's two weeks.

Of course I read that today. Before I thought it was a couple of days, and I was completely freaked out that new bites kept showing up. And I was paranoid and afraid to go to sleep in my bed, because I didn't want to get bitten again.

The only silver lining:

A clean house. One thing I have seen all over the place is how you need to get rid of as much clutter as you can, and to do a good cleaning. So that is what will happen to the bedroom tonight. The bins of clothes under the bed? They are leaving. The piles of papers that are stacking up next to Eric's nightstand - they need to go.

The living room recieved a throuough cleaning on Monday - pulled out all the furniture, used the wand to clean between the wall and carpet, pulled everything out of the front closet and vacuumed the floor. And while I was at it, I dusted and/or vacuumed all of the furniture, dusted the wall hangings, and the lights, and did a little re-arranging of furniture.

I'm a woman with a mission - watch out!


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