Wednesday, January 05, 2011

A New Year

I don't know where my motivation went.

In November, I started WW again. Went to 4 meetings, then the work travel and Christmas/New Year's holidays set in.

I've had intentions of going to a meeting, but post New-years, I'm just not wanting to deal with the crowds. I was thinking that perhaps my "New Year" would start in February... in the meantime, I am making a great effort to get all of the crap food out of my house - but by eating it myself..... probably not the best of plans. Seems like the days start out good - and then I get home and things get thrown out the window: Yesterday I had breakfast of yogurt and granola. Lunch was a cobb salad. Dinner? Cheese curds, chips and salsa, 4 pieces of chocolate and a bowl of granola and milk. All eaten by wandering through the kitchen, and picking up something else to eat.

What are my new year's resolutions? I have two: one is to continue to make the bed every day - I made that as a resolution several years ago - and the second is to hang up my coat each time I get home, instead of flinging it on a chair.

Small steps, that lead to a better organized and cleaner house. Which makes me happy.

So here's to happiness!

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