I have bites up and down my arms.
And on my hands
And on my neck
And on my face.
New ones seem to be showing up each day... but I still can't see any "signs" that they are in the house.
I have been reading more information on the internet than I actully cared to about bedbugs, how to find them, what they are, what the bites look like, how to treat them, how to get rid of them.... you get the picture. I still have some hope that there are none in my house - even though I keep finding new bites. Because, some of the infomration I have read says that it might take up to 14 days for bites to show up.
That's two weeks.
Of course I read that today. Before I thought it was a couple of days, and I was completely freaked out that new bites kept showing up. And I was paranoid and afraid to go to sleep in my bed, because I didn't want to get bitten again.
The only silver lining:
A clean house. One thing I have seen all over the place is how you need to get rid of as much clutter as you can, and to do a good cleaning. So that is what will happen to the bedroom tonight. The bins of clothes under the bed? They are leaving. The piles of papers that are stacking up next to Eric's nightstand - they need to go.
The living room recieved a throuough cleaning on Monday - pulled out all the furniture, used the wand to clean between the wall and carpet, pulled everything out of the front closet and vacuumed the floor. And while I was at it, I dusted and/or vacuumed all of the furniture, dusted the wall hangings, and the lights, and did a little re-arranging of furniture.
I'm a woman with a mission - watch out!
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Sleep Tight
And don't let the bedbugs bite.
Sage advise.
Too bad I couldn't follow it this week. Yep. The hotel I stayed in had bedbugs. I was very unexcited to discover that yesterday morning.
Although - I think they were not in the room the first night for a couple of reasons:
1. After I woke up and discovered a bug crawling across my pillow - I noticed some blood streaks on the bed and pillow. And there were even more after I killed more bugs... I didn't see this after the first night there.
2. I pulled sheets and mattress covers off of both beds, and could not see any more bugs hiding in/around the mattresses/bedframes.
3. I couldn't see any bites on me yesterday morning. This morning (after sleeping at home where I know there are not bugs) I noticed a number of bites on my arms - evidently they took a day to develop.
This leads me to believe that the room was not totally infested. As in, I think the bugs got there when they changed the sheets after the first night.
Even so, I was quite skeeved out to discover the nasty critters sharing my bed.
I packed up my stuff, and threw the suitcase in the back of the pickup truck. When I got home, the clothes (wool pants, Christmas sweaters, wool/leather jacket) that could not be washed in hot water went in a plastic bin, which will remain in the garage for a month or so. The suitcase, laptop bag, and another bag were put there too. The rest of the clothes were put in the washing machine, and washed with hot soapy water, and treated to a high-heat dry cycle.
Cross your fingers for me and hope I didn't bring them home!
Sage advise.
Too bad I couldn't follow it this week. Yep. The hotel I stayed in had bedbugs. I was very unexcited to discover that yesterday morning.
Although - I think they were not in the room the first night for a couple of reasons:
1. After I woke up and discovered a bug crawling across my pillow - I noticed some blood streaks on the bed and pillow. And there were even more after I killed more bugs... I didn't see this after the first night there.
2. I pulled sheets and mattress covers off of both beds, and could not see any more bugs hiding in/around the mattresses/bedframes.
3. I couldn't see any bites on me yesterday morning. This morning (after sleeping at home where I know there are not bugs) I noticed a number of bites on my arms - evidently they took a day to develop.
This leads me to believe that the room was not totally infested. As in, I think the bugs got there when they changed the sheets after the first night.
Even so, I was quite skeeved out to discover the nasty critters sharing my bed.
I packed up my stuff, and threw the suitcase in the back of the pickup truck. When I got home, the clothes (wool pants, Christmas sweaters, wool/leather jacket) that could not be washed in hot water went in a plastic bin, which will remain in the garage for a month or so. The suitcase, laptop bag, and another bag were put there too. The rest of the clothes were put in the washing machine, and washed with hot soapy water, and treated to a high-heat dry cycle.
Cross your fingers for me and hope I didn't bring them home!
Friday, December 03, 2010
That was me this morning.
The alarm went off this morning at 5 - I know better than to crawl back into bed if I'm actually going to exercise, but that's what I did.
And I didn't get up quite soon enough to shower, pack a lunch, gather everything together and get myself to work for my 7:30 conference call... as I was driving to work, I wondered why I was having so much trouble seeing things down the road.
And then I realized that I had forgotten to wear my glasses.
It isn't QUITE as bad as that sounds - I am legal to drive without my glasses, but I just prefer seeing things just a little bit clearer.
So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
On an umrelated topic, I was not elected to the board of the running group. In many ways, I'm relieved about it. I really don't need any more things to which I need to commit my time. I will still be a member, and that's all I really wanted, to make sure there was still a club.
On that note, I have things at work that I need to accomplish today!
The alarm went off this morning at 5 - I know better than to crawl back into bed if I'm actually going to exercise, but that's what I did.
And I didn't get up quite soon enough to shower, pack a lunch, gather everything together and get myself to work for my 7:30 conference call... as I was driving to work, I wondered why I was having so much trouble seeing things down the road.
And then I realized that I had forgotten to wear my glasses.
It isn't QUITE as bad as that sounds - I am legal to drive without my glasses, but I just prefer seeing things just a little bit clearer.
So that's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
On an umrelated topic, I was not elected to the board of the running group. In many ways, I'm relieved about it. I really don't need any more things to which I need to commit my time. I will still be a member, and that's all I really wanted, to make sure there was still a club.
On that note, I have things at work that I need to accomplish today!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Doing what you say you are going to do. Doing what you are supposed to do.
So Eric was a little disgruntled this morning, because some of his co-worker "couldn't be bothered" to do the work that they were assigned this morning - something that needed to be done before he could do a specific job.
So I asked him: "So you don't like it when people don't get things done that they are supposed to in a timely manner?" His response: "I don't like the direction this conversation is taking..." I was a bit mad at him on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday morning, as he missed his deadline for open enrollment at work. It was on the 30th, and because of that, he does not get some extra long term disability, and has to pay and extra $5 per office visit co-pay.
Hi kettle, meet the pot.
He really hates it when I use logic to make a point.
On another accountability front - I went out to lunch with a vendor today. Only ate half of the meal that I ordered - I ate until I was satisfied, thought about eating more because it was good, but had them box up the leftovers. Of course now I have to figure out points for a chicken artichoke flatbread pizza. And a bit of baguette with butter.
The scale this morning was not as nice as yesterday, but I can't let the scale hops distract me from the bigger picture. I know it hasn't been that long, but some of my clothes are feeling looser. Or maybe it's just me feeling a bit better. Who knows, but I just need to keep up keeping up.
That will be all.
So Eric was a little disgruntled this morning, because some of his co-worker "couldn't be bothered" to do the work that they were assigned this morning - something that needed to be done before he could do a specific job.
So I asked him: "So you don't like it when people don't get things done that they are supposed to in a timely manner?" His response: "I don't like the direction this conversation is taking..." I was a bit mad at him on Tuesday evening and on Wednesday morning, as he missed his deadline for open enrollment at work. It was on the 30th, and because of that, he does not get some extra long term disability, and has to pay and extra $5 per office visit co-pay.
Hi kettle, meet the pot.
He really hates it when I use logic to make a point.
On another accountability front - I went out to lunch with a vendor today. Only ate half of the meal that I ordered - I ate until I was satisfied, thought about eating more because it was good, but had them box up the leftovers. Of course now I have to figure out points for a chicken artichoke flatbread pizza. And a bit of baguette with butter.
The scale this morning was not as nice as yesterday, but I can't let the scale hops distract me from the bigger picture. I know it hasn't been that long, but some of my clothes are feeling looser. Or maybe it's just me feeling a bit better. Who knows, but I just need to keep up keeping up.
That will be all.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
It might not be a lot, but at least it's something.
Biked on the trainer again this morning in the basement. 8 miles/30 minutes. I say again, as I did the same thing yesterday.
But, I stepped on the bathroom scale this morning, and it shows that I am down another pound. I guess that's what accountability will do for you, and not shoving things down my throat willy-nilly.
Like all of the sweet treats that were in abundance at the meeting I attended last night. I stuck to decaf coffee. The running group I belong to is changing into a member-run club, with a board and a president and everything. I put my name in to be on the board, because I feel strongly that the group should continue. But - this might seem strange - I didn't vote for myself. Still on the fence on weather I want to be on yet another board. If elected, I will serve my term, but if I'm not elected, it's not a big deal.
It's turning out to be a rather quiet week at work, which isn't all bad. Next week, I am in Calgary all week. We will see how that goes. I actually a bit nervous about staying on track, as there's usually a LOT of alcohol involved, and I often indulge a bit too much because I start getting cranky... away from home, etc. The week after that, I am taking as vacation time. Because I have to use it up by the end of the year, or I lose it.
Plans are: house cleaning, putting up Christmas decorations, and in general, getting ready for the holidays. Not sure what they will look like this year - my parents will be gone, they are going to my sister's house in Oklahoma, and we had all of my mom's side of the family in town for Thanksgiving. Perhaps it will be just some quiet time with Eric and I. Which is not always a bad thing!
But, I stepped on the bathroom scale this morning, and it shows that I am down another pound. I guess that's what accountability will do for you, and not shoving things down my throat willy-nilly.
Like all of the sweet treats that were in abundance at the meeting I attended last night. I stuck to decaf coffee. The running group I belong to is changing into a member-run club, with a board and a president and everything. I put my name in to be on the board, because I feel strongly that the group should continue. But - this might seem strange - I didn't vote for myself. Still on the fence on weather I want to be on yet another board. If elected, I will serve my term, but if I'm not elected, it's not a big deal.
It's turning out to be a rather quiet week at work, which isn't all bad. Next week, I am in Calgary all week. We will see how that goes. I actually a bit nervous about staying on track, as there's usually a LOT of alcohol involved, and I often indulge a bit too much because I start getting cranky... away from home, etc. The week after that, I am taking as vacation time. Because I have to use it up by the end of the year, or I lose it.
Plans are: house cleaning, putting up Christmas decorations, and in general, getting ready for the holidays. Not sure what they will look like this year - my parents will be gone, they are going to my sister's house in Oklahoma, and we had all of my mom's side of the family in town for Thanksgiving. Perhaps it will be just some quiet time with Eric and I. Which is not always a bad thing!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
It's like the pot calling the kettle fat...
I wonder if anyone is still out there. I just have not had a lot I've wanted to talk about lately... well on my blog anyway.
This started out as a place to ramble about my running, and some weightloss stuff, and just general randomness.
If you have not figured it out, the running and weightloss have not been going so great. And if you are wondering about the title of the post - well, suffice to say, I have been looking at a number of folks, and thinking about how they have put on some weight over the months and/or years. Then I took a good look at myself, and I hate to admit, but I definately fall into that category.
So, I headed myself back to WW meetings. I talked to a friend, and she also decided to go to meetings with me. So some extra motivation. That never hurts!
We tried to go to a meeting on November 13th - but the location we had planned to go to had moved, and we didn't realize it until it was too late to get to the meeting on time. So we went to a meeting on the 14th. And I HATED the number on the scale. Reality really does bite.
It's going okay. I was quite jealous of my friend who lost over 5 pounds the first week. Me? .6 pounds lost. After a week of travel, and of getting back into some running... but I weighed in after Thanksgiving, and am now down a total of 3 pounds.
The new WW program? I'll give it a chance, but it's not as simple as it used to be. There is this "mysterous" formula for calculating how many points are in food, and you need the electronic calculator to do so. Quite honestly, I can see the need for change, and the rationale, but if it's not simple or something that can be "swag'd" by calorie content, I'm not sure if it's gonna stick. Like I said, I'll give it a try.
On an exercise-related front... I have a thought in my head. I know I said I would not do it again... but I'm actually considering running another marathon. Kind of like a 2-3 year plan. First, I need to take off some of the weight, so I take some stress off of my knees, then I will take it slow and easy. Next year, I'll look to do a couple of 10K's, and perhaps a half marathon.
How about that, New Year's resolutions - a month early!
I wonder if anyone is still out there. I just have not had a lot I've wanted to talk about lately... well on my blog anyway.
This started out as a place to ramble about my running, and some weightloss stuff, and just general randomness.
If you have not figured it out, the running and weightloss have not been going so great. And if you are wondering about the title of the post - well, suffice to say, I have been looking at a number of folks, and thinking about how they have put on some weight over the months and/or years. Then I took a good look at myself, and I hate to admit, but I definately fall into that category.
So, I headed myself back to WW meetings. I talked to a friend, and she also decided to go to meetings with me. So some extra motivation. That never hurts!
We tried to go to a meeting on November 13th - but the location we had planned to go to had moved, and we didn't realize it until it was too late to get to the meeting on time. So we went to a meeting on the 14th. And I HATED the number on the scale. Reality really does bite.
It's going okay. I was quite jealous of my friend who lost over 5 pounds the first week. Me? .6 pounds lost. After a week of travel, and of getting back into some running... but I weighed in after Thanksgiving, and am now down a total of 3 pounds.
The new WW program? I'll give it a chance, but it's not as simple as it used to be. There is this "mysterous" formula for calculating how many points are in food, and you need the electronic calculator to do so. Quite honestly, I can see the need for change, and the rationale, but if it's not simple or something that can be "swag'd" by calorie content, I'm not sure if it's gonna stick. Like I said, I'll give it a try.
On an exercise-related front... I have a thought in my head. I know I said I would not do it again... but I'm actually considering running another marathon. Kind of like a 2-3 year plan. First, I need to take off some of the weight, so I take some stress off of my knees, then I will take it slow and easy. Next year, I'll look to do a couple of 10K's, and perhaps a half marathon.
How about that, New Year's resolutions - a month early!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Life can be crazy
I feel like my life is pulling me in lots and lots of directions.
And my exercise routine is suffering. I don't want it to, but seems like I have too much going on, between the travel, the voulnteer work, the travel, the spending quality time with hubby, family and friends, the travel, the laundry and housework, etc.
I'm signed up to run a half marathon on the 4th of July. I was pretty excited to do so, and had a training plan put together, but I've skipped a lot of the runs. Or shortened them.... and did a 150 mile bike ride during the middle of the training.
I know I will finish, but I don't think it's going to be pretty. As in, I will probably average 12 minute miles. And I know I can do better. That's the frustrating part.
I'm in Harvey, ND right now. I know, where is that? It's 70 miles south east of Minot. I will be getting up to run tomorrow morning but I don't want to over-do it.
On the diet front - I'm trying a couple of things.
number one - I am not eating in any vehicles. One of my downfalls is mindlessly munching while I am driving down the road. Seriously. I CAN take some time to pull over somewhere and eat. I managed an 8 hour drive yesterday without snacking. It can be done. (for clarification, this does not include drinks or gum - but the drinks must be low/no calorie, as in coffee or diet soda)
number two - I read something about a "no S" diet. No sugar. No snacks. No seconds. Except for days that start in "s". (S can also mean a special occasion.) It's more about being mindful of your eating, and cutting down on some of the crap and sweets that just contribute to cravings and crap eating. But it lets you live your life.
Last night I actually had a fairly decent meal in Minot, at Perkins. It was a grilled chicken breast with mushrooms and swiss cheese, on a bed of rice, with two sides (I chose broccoli and spinich). And the veggies were honestly good. I tend to avoid restaurants like that... but food like that might make me change my mind.
On that note, it's off to the hotel... where there is no internet. Guess I will watch the movie I have with me, and work on an afgahn for one of the four sets of friends that are getting married in October. Yes. Four October weddings....
And my exercise routine is suffering. I don't want it to, but seems like I have too much going on, between the travel, the voulnteer work, the travel, the spending quality time with hubby, family and friends, the travel, the laundry and housework, etc.
I'm signed up to run a half marathon on the 4th of July. I was pretty excited to do so, and had a training plan put together, but I've skipped a lot of the runs. Or shortened them.... and did a 150 mile bike ride during the middle of the training.
I know I will finish, but I don't think it's going to be pretty. As in, I will probably average 12 minute miles. And I know I can do better. That's the frustrating part.
I'm in Harvey, ND right now. I know, where is that? It's 70 miles south east of Minot. I will be getting up to run tomorrow morning but I don't want to over-do it.
On the diet front - I'm trying a couple of things.
number one - I am not eating in any vehicles. One of my downfalls is mindlessly munching while I am driving down the road. Seriously. I CAN take some time to pull over somewhere and eat. I managed an 8 hour drive yesterday without snacking. It can be done. (for clarification, this does not include drinks or gum - but the drinks must be low/no calorie, as in coffee or diet soda)
number two - I read something about a "no S" diet. No sugar. No snacks. No seconds. Except for days that start in "s". (S can also mean a special occasion.) It's more about being mindful of your eating, and cutting down on some of the crap and sweets that just contribute to cravings and crap eating. But it lets you live your life.
Last night I actually had a fairly decent meal in Minot, at Perkins. It was a grilled chicken breast with mushrooms and swiss cheese, on a bed of rice, with two sides (I chose broccoli and spinich). And the veggies were honestly good. I tend to avoid restaurants like that... but food like that might make me change my mind.
On that note, it's off to the hotel... where there is no internet. Guess I will watch the movie I have with me, and work on an afgahn for one of the four sets of friends that are getting married in October. Yes. Four October weddings....
Friday, June 18, 2010
Sometimes I really wonder
I wonder about my husband, or more accurately, what he really thinks.
I accused him of having ADD the other day. I asked him if we could make a deal - I would cook him some dinner (I had already eaten) if he would work on clearing off the dining room table. He agreed, or more accurately, he didn't say "no". So I'm getting things prepped to cook, and he disappears. I find him on the computer... checking e-mail.
So I herded him back to the table.
About 10 minutes later, he was back at the computer - he had found a membership renewal that was due that day or the following day that he asked me if I had paid it - I said I hadn't gotten to it yet, so there he was doing that.
I asked him why it was so difficult to spend 25 minutes doing one task. I told him that I knew it wasn't something that he enjoyed doing - but really, I don't really enjoy washing dishes or scrubbing toilets... but I do that. I think he got the point, because he went back to work.
Yesterday, I got a call in the morning, to see if he had left the two containers of leftovers at the house, because he couldn't find them when he arrived at work.
They weren't at home, and they weren't with him.
I think he put them on the back of the truck while he opened the door, and they are now somewhere along the side of the road.
And yesterday evening I offered to make him somthing for dinner before I had to leave for a meeting. He said no, because he wasn't hungry.
Gave him some options, told him what was there to make.
I get home, he has gone to Subway. Which I had headed him off the night before saying that we had food in the house. Seriously. We have bread. We have cheese. We have tomatos. We have all that stuff. But no. Mr. Instant gratification cannot make himself a sandwich.
So I got up and made him pasta with spagetti sauce this morning to take for lunch. Becuause he no longer has leftovers - they are on the side of the road.
I tell him
"I must love you"
He says
"I think you just want me to eat food we already have in the house"
I ask
"so how does buying yourself fast food help you to save money for that certain item you want?"
With his head down:
"it doesn't"
I get frustrated with him... but I still somehow love him. Sometimes I wonder why, but he has his moments.
I accused him of having ADD the other day. I asked him if we could make a deal - I would cook him some dinner (I had already eaten) if he would work on clearing off the dining room table. He agreed, or more accurately, he didn't say "no". So I'm getting things prepped to cook, and he disappears. I find him on the computer... checking e-mail.
So I herded him back to the table.
About 10 minutes later, he was back at the computer - he had found a membership renewal that was due that day or the following day that he asked me if I had paid it - I said I hadn't gotten to it yet, so there he was doing that.
I asked him why it was so difficult to spend 25 minutes doing one task. I told him that I knew it wasn't something that he enjoyed doing - but really, I don't really enjoy washing dishes or scrubbing toilets... but I do that. I think he got the point, because he went back to work.
Yesterday, I got a call in the morning, to see if he had left the two containers of leftovers at the house, because he couldn't find them when he arrived at work.
They weren't at home, and they weren't with him.
I think he put them on the back of the truck while he opened the door, and they are now somewhere along the side of the road.
And yesterday evening I offered to make him somthing for dinner before I had to leave for a meeting. He said no, because he wasn't hungry.
Gave him some options, told him what was there to make.
I get home, he has gone to Subway. Which I had headed him off the night before saying that we had food in the house. Seriously. We have bread. We have cheese. We have tomatos. We have all that stuff. But no. Mr. Instant gratification cannot make himself a sandwich.
So I got up and made him pasta with spagetti sauce this morning to take for lunch. Becuause he no longer has leftovers - they are on the side of the road.
I tell him
"I must love you"
He says
"I think you just want me to eat food we already have in the house"
I ask
"so how does buying yourself fast food help you to save money for that certain item you want?"
With his head down:
"it doesn't"
I get frustrated with him... but I still somehow love him. Sometimes I wonder why, but he has his moments.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It was just too cute not to share

“Trespasser” rescued from CP track
Waddler gets away safe and sound.
When S&C Maintainer Ian McLarty was hi-rail testing on the Broadview Subdivision, he noticed a family of waterfowl crossing our right of way. Just as they were about to finish crossing safely, Ian overheard a "chirping" sound and noticed one of the siblings got stuck. With some gentle assistance via "a little push" the family was reunited.
And they lived quackily ever after…
Friday, April 02, 2010
A day off
Of work that is...
It's Good Friday, and it is oneo of our holidays for the year, so the plan is to get in a long bike ride, then to sit in front of my computer and work on Jaycee awards.
On the food front... I have logged food since Saturday. (Okay, so I need to go back and log my food for yesterday - but it will be done).
I even logged all of the food I ate on Wednesday. It was not one of my finer moments. I was traveling, and I had packed food for myself, healthy stuff for on the road, but the entire day I felt hungry. And I hate it when that happens. I tried to be "good", I honestly did - even passed up more unhealthy stuff at the gas station for a single serve package of baked chips. But when I got home at 8:30pm, after 7 straight hours in the car, I caved: Ice Cream (I went back for seconds on that), Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and lots of chips and salsa.
The success is that I logged it all.
And, I got up the next morning and went for a run before work. Of course with spring allergies, I couldn't breathe. I did a bit of walking on my 2.5 mile loop, because I was gasping for oxygen. Love the weather, but hate the crap in the air!!!
Last night, I was at an event that was sponsored by the Friends of the St. Paul Library, and there is a black and white photo exhibit at the James J Hill library in downtown St. Paul, and I have to say that the photos are absolutely and completely amazing. Like as I was looking at the photos, and going to the next, it took my breath away and gave me goose bumps.
On that note, it's a Friday off of work, but I still have things to do!
It's Good Friday, and it is oneo of our holidays for the year, so the plan is to get in a long bike ride, then to sit in front of my computer and work on Jaycee awards.
On the food front... I have logged food since Saturday. (Okay, so I need to go back and log my food for yesterday - but it will be done).
I even logged all of the food I ate on Wednesday. It was not one of my finer moments. I was traveling, and I had packed food for myself, healthy stuff for on the road, but the entire day I felt hungry. And I hate it when that happens. I tried to be "good", I honestly did - even passed up more unhealthy stuff at the gas station for a single serve package of baked chips. But when I got home at 8:30pm, after 7 straight hours in the car, I caved: Ice Cream (I went back for seconds on that), Peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and lots of chips and salsa.
The success is that I logged it all.
And, I got up the next morning and went for a run before work. Of course with spring allergies, I couldn't breathe. I did a bit of walking on my 2.5 mile loop, because I was gasping for oxygen. Love the weather, but hate the crap in the air!!!
Last night, I was at an event that was sponsored by the Friends of the St. Paul Library, and there is a black and white photo exhibit at the James J Hill library in downtown St. Paul, and I have to say that the photos are absolutely and completely amazing. Like as I was looking at the photos, and going to the next, it took my breath away and gave me goose bumps.
On that note, it's a Friday off of work, but I still have things to do!
Monday, March 29, 2010
Just another week
But I think this last week was better than the week before.
Friday was kind of an "ugg" time for me. I worked pouring wine at a wine tasting. And at the end, my feet were killing me. Yes, I was standing on a tile floor, and wearing heels, but yanno, I don't like it!
After picking up my husband from the convention center, we decided to just go home and not out to the bar with the "group" but he still wanted something to eat. So I asked him to get me something too... so he got me a large fries from McDonalds. Which I proceeded to eat the whole thing at 10pm - then off to bed. Not one of my wisest choices.
Saturday, meeting my running group, I just was not having a wonderful day, or so I thought at the time. I did go out and run 4.5 miles, but my heart was not all in it. But, even with a couple of walk breaks, it took me 53 minutes to run that 4.5 (okay, actually 4.6), and when I was running, my Garmin told me that I was running sub 11 miles. I just need some sort of plan. When I have a plan laid out in front of me, I am more motivated to exercise. So it needs to happen.... and I talked to my running coach, and she will be working with me to put together a plan. I am doing the MS150 in June, and a half marathon in July.
And after the food debacle on Friday, I decided I need to change that behavior too. Contemplated doing South Beach again, but I knew I was probably going to attend a pancake breakfast on Sunday.... I know. Excuses.
On Saturday, I started useing an application on my iPod touch again. It's called Lose It! And it is a program where you can log food/calories and exercise. And when I am using it, I seem to do better. I HATE logging food, but I have pretty much come to the conclusion that this is what needs to happen to have my life (hello carbs), not have to figure points, and I already carry the tools with me.
Not to say that I will always be perfect. But if I want to lose the weight, I need to do better.
And this morning, the scale showed that I was down 1 pound from last Monday.
Baby steps. Accountability. And a plan.
Sounds simple, right?
Friday was kind of an "ugg" time for me. I worked pouring wine at a wine tasting. And at the end, my feet were killing me. Yes, I was standing on a tile floor, and wearing heels, but yanno, I don't like it!
After picking up my husband from the convention center, we decided to just go home and not out to the bar with the "group" but he still wanted something to eat. So I asked him to get me something too... so he got me a large fries from McDonalds. Which I proceeded to eat the whole thing at 10pm - then off to bed. Not one of my wisest choices.
Saturday, meeting my running group, I just was not having a wonderful day, or so I thought at the time. I did go out and run 4.5 miles, but my heart was not all in it. But, even with a couple of walk breaks, it took me 53 minutes to run that 4.5 (okay, actually 4.6), and when I was running, my Garmin told me that I was running sub 11 miles. I just need some sort of plan. When I have a plan laid out in front of me, I am more motivated to exercise. So it needs to happen.... and I talked to my running coach, and she will be working with me to put together a plan. I am doing the MS150 in June, and a half marathon in July.
And after the food debacle on Friday, I decided I need to change that behavior too. Contemplated doing South Beach again, but I knew I was probably going to attend a pancake breakfast on Sunday.... I know. Excuses.
On Saturday, I started useing an application on my iPod touch again. It's called Lose It! And it is a program where you can log food/calories and exercise. And when I am using it, I seem to do better. I HATE logging food, but I have pretty much come to the conclusion that this is what needs to happen to have my life (hello carbs), not have to figure points, and I already carry the tools with me.
Not to say that I will always be perfect. But if I want to lose the weight, I need to do better.
And this morning, the scale showed that I was down 1 pound from last Monday.
Baby steps. Accountability. And a plan.
Sounds simple, right?
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Fessing up
I'm scruffing the floor with my toe, and hanging my head.
As with quite a number of other "healthy" initiatives, I have not kept up with the latest initiative, namely the exercise thing.
It's just been a half-assed effort, and I am finding reasons and excuses to park my bottom on the couch in the living room, in front of the television.
So here's a couple of the excuses:
1. A vacation trip to Los Vegas. We walked and walked and walked. The mornings I got up to run, about 2 in the afternoon I was about ready to sit for a couple of hours, because I was so exhausted.
2. Daylight savings. I prefer to get up in the morning and exercise, but an hour earlier???? Yep. Didn't happen. Hasn't happened.
I feel like I have kind of failed. And it makes me both sad and angry, all at the same time.
I should know what I need to do. In fact I'm pretty sure I do know what to do. I just have to stop making excuses and do it.
On a related note, I've kind of accepted the fact that I am the size that I am. I bought myself some new pants and jeans in a larger size, and put all of the stuff that is now two sizes too small in a box. Perhaps if I'm not miserable in my clothing, and I feel better about how I look, that will help to motivate me.
It's the start of a new week. Time to start fresh again, and do the things that need to be done.
As with quite a number of other "healthy" initiatives, I have not kept up with the latest initiative, namely the exercise thing.
It's just been a half-assed effort, and I am finding reasons and excuses to park my bottom on the couch in the living room, in front of the television.
So here's a couple of the excuses:
1. A vacation trip to Los Vegas. We walked and walked and walked. The mornings I got up to run, about 2 in the afternoon I was about ready to sit for a couple of hours, because I was so exhausted.
2. Daylight savings. I prefer to get up in the morning and exercise, but an hour earlier???? Yep. Didn't happen. Hasn't happened.
I feel like I have kind of failed. And it makes me both sad and angry, all at the same time.
I should know what I need to do. In fact I'm pretty sure I do know what to do. I just have to stop making excuses and do it.
On a related note, I've kind of accepted the fact that I am the size that I am. I bought myself some new pants and jeans in a larger size, and put all of the stuff that is now two sizes too small in a box. Perhaps if I'm not miserable in my clothing, and I feel better about how I look, that will help to motivate me.
It's the start of a new week. Time to start fresh again, and do the things that need to be done.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Status Update
Wednesday - got up at the hotel, got in 3 miles on the treadmill
Thursday - at home, worked out on the bike in the basement
Friday - at home before my 7:30 am conference call, did 30 minutes on the bike in the basement
Saturday - in Kansas City, ran 5 miles.
Sunday - a day of rest. You know that the 40 days of Lent does not include Sundays, right?
Thursday was an incredibly busy day at work. I was trying to get everything done to be able to "take the day off" on Friday, as I had worked my holiday on Monday. I had gotten into the office at 7:30am, had two off-site meetings, back in the office, phone calls, reports, etc. Left the office about 5:30, headed home to get things in order for my 6:30 Jaycee meeting. Frazzled was an understatement.
Friday I drove down to Kansas City. Along the way I took two conference calls, then ran into weather that was pretty much complete crap. And to top it off, just before I got into Missouri, the car started making a strange rattling noise, and I could feel a bit of a shaking. When I pulled into a rest area, I looked under the car, and the skid plate on the front of the car had come loose and was dragging. I called triple A, who told me that all they could do was have it towed somewhere. So I got out the jack, and lifted up the front of the car to see if I could remove it. Of course I didn't have the right tool.... went and asked the guy who was running a snowblower there if he had a hex nut driver. He wasn't sure what that was....
Anyway, as he went to go look for some tools, a nice young man who was driving by asked if I needed any help, so I took him up on his offer - the snowblower guy came by with a tool kit that had some allen wrenches, and the other young man pulled out a floor mat to lay on, and took out the three screws that remained holding on the skid plate.
It took me about 12 hours with all of the trials and tribulations to make the drive to KC, when in good conditions, you can make it in a little under 8.
I was in Kansas to attend a baby shower for a friend that I have known since Jr High. It was good to see her - she's 40 and having her first child, so being there was also interesting. My sister was there also, she is worried that our friend is not prepared enough... she's due at the end of March, but they still had not gotten the bed moved out of the bedroom that is going to be the nursery, we put togheter the crib and the pack and play, and I guess my sister took her shopping and made her purchase a number of other items she needs. Not that I know these things, as I've never had babies...
And the drive back home today was also interesting. Through most of Missouri, I was driving about 40 mph on the freeway, the roads were slushy/icy/snowy and not fun at all.
I do have to brag about my husband, though - when I called him as I was leaving, I asked him what was for dinner. So he spent the day preparing me a meal: Bruchetta as an appetizer, salad, lasagne (meat lasagne for him, veggie lasagne with whole wheat noodles for me), garlic bread, and Creme Brulee for desert.
Probably didn't need all of the calories, but I was not going to turn it down!
I'll be back burning calories in the morning!
Thursday - at home, worked out on the bike in the basement
Friday - at home before my 7:30 am conference call, did 30 minutes on the bike in the basement
Saturday - in Kansas City, ran 5 miles.
Sunday - a day of rest. You know that the 40 days of Lent does not include Sundays, right?
Thursday was an incredibly busy day at work. I was trying to get everything done to be able to "take the day off" on Friday, as I had worked my holiday on Monday. I had gotten into the office at 7:30am, had two off-site meetings, back in the office, phone calls, reports, etc. Left the office about 5:30, headed home to get things in order for my 6:30 Jaycee meeting. Frazzled was an understatement.
Friday I drove down to Kansas City. Along the way I took two conference calls, then ran into weather that was pretty much complete crap. And to top it off, just before I got into Missouri, the car started making a strange rattling noise, and I could feel a bit of a shaking. When I pulled into a rest area, I looked under the car, and the skid plate on the front of the car had come loose and was dragging. I called triple A, who told me that all they could do was have it towed somewhere. So I got out the jack, and lifted up the front of the car to see if I could remove it. Of course I didn't have the right tool.... went and asked the guy who was running a snowblower there if he had a hex nut driver. He wasn't sure what that was....
Anyway, as he went to go look for some tools, a nice young man who was driving by asked if I needed any help, so I took him up on his offer - the snowblower guy came by with a tool kit that had some allen wrenches, and the other young man pulled out a floor mat to lay on, and took out the three screws that remained holding on the skid plate.
It took me about 12 hours with all of the trials and tribulations to make the drive to KC, when in good conditions, you can make it in a little under 8.
I was in Kansas to attend a baby shower for a friend that I have known since Jr High. It was good to see her - she's 40 and having her first child, so being there was also interesting. My sister was there also, she is worried that our friend is not prepared enough... she's due at the end of March, but they still had not gotten the bed moved out of the bedroom that is going to be the nursery, we put togheter the crib and the pack and play, and I guess my sister took her shopping and made her purchase a number of other items she needs. Not that I know these things, as I've never had babies...
And the drive back home today was also interesting. Through most of Missouri, I was driving about 40 mph on the freeway, the roads were slushy/icy/snowy and not fun at all.
I do have to brag about my husband, though - when I called him as I was leaving, I asked him what was for dinner. So he spent the day preparing me a meal: Bruchetta as an appetizer, salad, lasagne (meat lasagne for him, veggie lasagne with whole wheat noodles for me), garlic bread, and Creme Brulee for desert.
Probably didn't need all of the calories, but I was not going to turn it down!
I'll be back burning calories in the morning!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
The power of 40
I thought I should probably write something again.
You can tell I haven't been in the groove lately. As in, when I feel like things are going well, I feel good about myself, and I'm actually eating right and exercising on a regular basis, I have a tendancy to write.
So I'm making a committment to myself.
To the power of 40.
40's just a number, right? 40 - that's how old I will be this year. 40 - that's about how many pounds I would like to lose (of course I'll take the 25-30 that I gained in the last couple of years.) 40 - that's how many days there are of Lent.
So here's the plan:
For the 40 days of Lent, I plan to exercise at least 20 minutes a day. And that means each day, not 40 every other day (even though it would fit into the theme of "40"). And as I can, I will try to update here on how things are going.
I thought I should probably write something again.
You can tell I haven't been in the groove lately. As in, when I feel like things are going well, I feel good about myself, and I'm actually eating right and exercising on a regular basis, I have a tendancy to write.
So I'm making a committment to myself.
To the power of 40.
40's just a number, right? 40 - that's how old I will be this year. 40 - that's about how many pounds I would like to lose (of course I'll take the 25-30 that I gained in the last couple of years.) 40 - that's how many days there are of Lent.
So here's the plan:
For the 40 days of Lent, I plan to exercise at least 20 minutes a day. And that means each day, not 40 every other day (even though it would fit into the theme of "40"). And as I can, I will try to update here on how things are going.
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