Thursday, January 22, 2009

Not Hungry

that's me.

And it's kind of weird, and starting to concern me, actually.

I followed my plan yesterday. Made myself a smoothie which I had on the way to the work meetings, and when I was done, I was full. Stuffed actually, which I found a somewhat pleasant suprise, as a lot of times I want a little bit more. Talked to one of the hotel staff, and made sure to order myself a salad for lunch.

Lunchtime rolls around. I'm still not hungry. But since I specially ordered the salad, I thought I should eat some of it. Now usually, I completely clear the plate of food when I get a salad. But this time, I just ate about half. And the diet coke I took to drink with my lunch - didn't finish the can, because I couldn't deal with the extra volume.

that's all I ate yesterday.

And it's Thursday morning, and I'm still not hungry. While I can't deny that not being hungry should really help in the weight loss arena, I know it's not healthy for me.

Not sure what to do now. Other than I'm heading off to work with a packed lunch bag. I might have to force myself to eat something. Scary.


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