Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I'm fine, how are you?

The good news was that I did not have to stay for the second day of meetings in Portage. The bad news was that I got to drive home in a bit of sticky, slimy snow.

About 20 into my drive, all sorts of people are slowing down, and I see emergency lights flashing - a small silver car had flipped over in the ditch. It kind of freaked me out - so it took me a bit longer than expected to get home. Some of it was not too bad, and as I was thinking the roads were going to get better, the snow started sticking to the road again, and I was ultra paranoid going over bridges and under overpasses.

But I made it home.

I did make it onto the treadmill yesterday morning at the hotel. It was a really crappy treadmill - the guide on the deck was falling apart (one side was completely gone) and the speed control was a slider, you had to kind of guess where you wanted to set it, because it read out the MPH, but that was just off. But I did get in 40 minutes.

And today, I got home from work, put on my running clothes, and ran my 3 mile loop. And it felt better than the last time I did that. I'm looking forward to going out for a run tomorrow afternoon!

Food today was not so good. My friend and I went out to lunch at an Indian buffet. I have not had Indian food in way too long. But, I will have to say, I stopped eating when I was full. And I ate a lot of the vegetarian items. And tonight I ate a healthy salad with craisins, pine nuts and some blue cheese. I think I was justifying it somewhat, because the scale was not completely awful this morning - goes to show you what can hapen when you actually follow the WW guidelines!

We got a call from my stepson this evening, just as I was coming in from my run. He has decided that he wants to go back to school and actually finish getting his degree. Woo Hoo! I guess that his job that was supposed to give him all of these opportunities is not panning out, so he is going to get a degree. Yay education. That, and he has a girlfriend he really likes. Okay, so now I feel old...

And I'm going to go - the cat is begging for some attention.


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