So on with the Snackie instructions, with today being a day of self-love.
One thing I like about me: I think at this point, I would say my intelligence, and that I like for things to get done right. Like knowng that RSVP means that the host would like a response, weather it be yes or no. Like knowing the ins and outs of federal regulations as they relate to work policies, so people call me up and ask me questions and my opinion - it give me warm fuzzy feelings to know that I can speak intelligently, and that people listen to me. Like my stepdaughter telling my Mother-in-Law that I am one of the smartest people that she knows... it makes me feel good!
Oh, and I like my hair. (had to add that one in!)
So, here's your chance to tell me what you like about ME!
And on another note, I had a dream about my ex-boyfriend last night... we were actually very civil to each other, but for some reason, he needed to tell me that he had been pregnant with twins... some medical anomoly, and that I had two other friends that were pregnant with twins (I currently DO have a friend pregnant with twins.)
What I like about you.....I love the fact that you make time for us blog-sluts even when you have a busy schedule. I love the fact that you are intelligent and witty. I love the fact that you can quote movies like a winner!
I like that you always encourage me to keep running, even though I very much suck at it! :-)
Wow! You're planning on a marathon this year! Good for you. This is my first time on your blog, and that's what I like about you! Good job on that goal. :)
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