Thursday, July 03, 2008

What do you mean I can't run?

Well, I kind of thought that yesterday.

I got up again at 5 to do 4 miles. My hip was a bit sore, but I thought it was because I was just a little sore from running.

It hurt pretty much all day. I would get up from my desk and limp around the office.

Then I went to the chiropractor (had the appointment made already) and told him I thought I had pulled a muscle in my hip.

And then some. He said I had pulled the hip, the gluteal and some of the erector abdominals. Asked if I had been running hills. My answer? Well there are hills on my run, but nothing unusual - it's my usual route. He wasn't sure how I had managed to do what I had done... but thinking on it, it's the same hip I fell on Saturday, when I tipped over on my bike. I probably did something then, then aggrivated it by running.

So, no running for a bit. He did say I could bike. So that is what I will be doing. Good thing I like doing that too!

It is now day 3 of journaling, and staying within my points. We went to my MIL's house last night to visit, and she served us desert - a huge slice of angel food cake with strawberries and whipped cream. I ate the strawberries. And gave the rest to my husband.

As of this morning, the scale showed me down to 188. Sunday, it said I was 194.

I'm gonna try to be "good" this weekend, and not throw random alcohol and crap into my system. I will be going with journal in hand, with plans to ride my bike every day.

No coasting.

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