Thursday, December 07, 2006



Okay. So a bit of derailment here. Really, no work pun intended (yes, I work for the railroad) but that's what I feel like.

I was doing so well... until life got crazy again. I tried planning, but then I threw the plan out the window. I had a development course I went to on Friday, the 1st. Packed my lunch and everything, but decided I would rather go and have Arby's. I honestly don't remember what we did for dinner, but I'm thinking it was not "healthy."

I thought about going to weigh in on Saturday, and talked myself out of it. I knew I was going to have a loss, and probably a significant one too... so why did I need to go? Oh yeah, so I could hold myself more accountable THIS week. Saturday started out very well. I NordicTracked for a solid hour, and it was good. Ate a bowl of Wheaties and soy milk for breakfast. Went to the Jaycees' training, ate a healthy lunch. Then the good sense was thrown out the window all for the sake of beer. There was an awards banquet that night after the training, so I rented a hotel room so I would not have to chase home and change, and get all rushed and annoyed, etc. It turned into a hospitality room, with, no lie, 6 cases of beer. And I drank too much. And munched. And spent a good portion of Sunday trying to soothe my stomach with comfort food and carbs.

Monday, I stopped at the store for healthy snacks to eat at my work meeting, because I knew they would have stuff to much on in the afternoon. I still ate the popcorn, soft pretzels and potato chips and dip. And too much food and decadent desert at the dinner that night. At least I was not interested in alcohol...

The next day was some of the same. I told myself I did not need the salty snacks, but damn, do I love salt. Even more than sugar. Put out chip dip and I am gone. My redemption for Tuesday was that I actually ran on the treadmill in the morning for 40 minutes, and got in 3.5 miles.

But about that treadmill... I was planning on spending an hour exercising in the morning at the hotel exercise room, but when I went down the first time, the janitor who was cleaning the floor shooed me away, telling me it was not open yet. When I went down a bit later, there was someone there who had gone in about 5 minutes after I had tried the first time. The room was accessable, and he didn't disturb anyone, but it was outside of their "posted" hours. For cripe's sake... I should have just gone there after waiting to be able to sneak by the "guard."

Yesterday was okay foodwise, until I decided I needed to eat animal crackers that I NEEDED to dip in a tub of frosting.

Can I blame it on my period???

Work has been a whirlwind this week and last. Catching up on things that need to be completed by the end of the year, and since a lot of people take vacation at the end of the year for the holidays, it pretty much needs to be done by the 15th. After that, I might have some time to breathe.

Hopefully tonight, we will be able to get out the Christmas decorations. I keep seeing all these people with lights on their houses, and I am jealous. I was planning on doing stuff on Sunday, but I was not feeling so hot after the beer fest the night before... so I slept and was a slug for most of the day. I am looking forward to putting up and decorating the tree, and wrapping the Christmas presents that are sitting on the guest bed. After we got home from Thanksgiving, I did a bit of cataloguing, and it was great to find that I had most of my shopping done already. And Eric and I got two more people crossed off the list last night after doing a little bit of shopping. I love finding people the "perfect" gifts.

On that note, time to get some more work wrapped up before I head home to wrap!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay I totally think that we ALL put wayyy too much pressure on ourselves to be perfect over the holiday season; I think that if we can just go better than the year before, we are headed for goodness!