Tuesday, July 01, 2008

4 slow ones

Miles that is.

I averaged about 4.7 mph this morning on my run. And it was good. Glad I got out of bed at 5am. Glad I didn't crawl back in bed. Glad that I still can do it. Baby steps. I could have run faster, but I didn't want to. And I ran the whole way. All 51 minutes.

I had quite the mental chat with myself this morning too. I headed out the door sans mp3 player, and enjoyed the surroundings. And I gave myself a pep talk that I have been needing. One of the reasons I wanted to lose weight in the previous round, was so that I could run, and do active things, and not feel like I was killing myself. Nothing good comes to you without challenges. I kept thinking of this quote: "It's supposed to be hard. If it wasn't hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great."

So the new motto? No coasting.

As in - get off your ass and do something about it. Quit whining, and do what you know needs to be done. And quit feeling sorry for yourself.

Yeah, I gave myself a much needed kick in the ass. At this point it is working, I just need to get into the habit again. I have a plan. And that's how it begins.

Oh yeah, and a goal of wearing this really hot red velvet spagetti strap gown to my friend's wedding in August. 'Cause I can be a hot babe if I work at it. I want my husband to tell me I look "dangerous" again.


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