Friday, June 18, 2010

Sometimes I really wonder

I wonder about my husband, or more accurately, what he really thinks.

I accused him of having ADD the other day. I asked him if we could make a deal - I would cook him some dinner (I had already eaten) if he would work on clearing off the dining room table. He agreed, or more accurately, he didn't say "no". So I'm getting things prepped to cook, and he disappears. I find him on the computer... checking e-mail.

So I herded him back to the table.

About 10 minutes later, he was back at the computer - he had found a membership renewal that was due that day or the following day that he asked me if I had paid it - I said I hadn't gotten to it yet, so there he was doing that.

I asked him why it was so difficult to spend 25 minutes doing one task. I told him that I knew it wasn't something that he enjoyed doing - but really, I don't really enjoy washing dishes or scrubbing toilets... but I do that. I think he got the point, because he went back to work.


Yesterday, I got a call in the morning, to see if he had left the two containers of leftovers at the house, because he couldn't find them when he arrived at work.

They weren't at home, and they weren't with him.

I think he put them on the back of the truck while he opened the door, and they are now somewhere along the side of the road.


And yesterday evening I offered to make him somthing for dinner before I had to leave for a meeting. He said no, because he wasn't hungry.

Gave him some options, told him what was there to make.

I get home, he has gone to Subway. Which I had headed him off the night before saying that we had food in the house. Seriously. We have bread. We have cheese. We have tomatos. We have all that stuff. But no. Mr. Instant gratification cannot make himself a sandwich.


So I got up and made him pasta with spagetti sauce this morning to take for lunch. Becuause he no longer has leftovers - they are on the side of the road.

I tell him
"I must love you"

He says
"I think you just want me to eat food we already have in the house"

I ask
"so how does buying yourself fast food help you to save money for that certain item you want?"

With his head down:
"it doesn't"


I get frustrated with him... but I still somehow love him. Sometimes I wonder why, but he has his moments.


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