Friday, September 22, 2006

Happy Anniversary!

To me!

Today is my 5th wedding anniversary. It's hard to believe that it has been that long. Time sure flies when you are having fun! Eric and I have plans to go out to dinner tonight at the Lake Elmo Inn. I am looking forward to having a lovely dinner with my hubby.

And we did some dancing last night. A friend of ours is taking lessons at this studio, and has done a lot of work on their website, and they were having a free group lesson last night. I guilted him into going with me... I asked him "Don't you want to dance with your wife?" "Well yes, but I don't want to look like a fool while doing it." "That's why we need to take lessons!" So we went. It was kind of fun, but I felt like I was in junior high gym class again: "men, form a circle, women, find a partner", dance for 30 seconds, then "move to the next partner", repeat. We learned the basic steps for the Foxtrot, the Tango, Salsa, and Swing. Kind of a teaser to get you to sign up for lessons. I think it was an excellent event. Although Eric told me I was harder to dance with than some of the other women. I guess I need to learn how to follow better. And Eric needs to learn how to lead stronger. Takes practice, I guess!

It's been kind of crazy at work lately. They keep doing reorginization stuff - I am now in the HSSE department (Health, Safety, Security and Environment). They finally posted the position that has been vacant for over a year externally. They want to fill the postion by Nov 1st. I hope that they fill the position soon. I am getting really tired of dealing with all the crap. I honestly feel like a party planner - I am planning a team-building activity for one of our groups, we are going to a Wild hockey game. So I need to arrange a bus, plan a meal, arrange the meetings, etc. And we are having a senior management "walk-about" next week, and honestly, it's almost like herding cats, as I can't get people to follow directions to save my life. I called up my (new) boss the other day and instead of saying "hello Bill" I managed to start my conversation by saying "Hell Bill". At least he laughed.

That's about all I have time for at the moment.... except to say that it has been so crazy and nuts, that I just have not been exercising. I am trying to make healthy food choices, but I need to get my act together. My jeans are really starting to not fit. And I don't want to go up another size.

Le sigh.

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